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Zero Tolerance Policy

FW Beauty has a zero tolerance policy to address any issues of violence, aggression or unacceptable language and behavior directed towards any of the members of staff working for the brand. FW Beauty is delivering a clear message to consumers that violence or aggression towards any members of staff over social media platforms, emails or exhibitions is unacceptable.
Violence or aggression can be interpreted as ‘any incident’ in which a person is physically abused, physically touched, threatened, assaulted, verbally abused, hate comments, negative comments, spamming, harassing, trolling, spreading lies, negative sarcasm.
Physical assault is ‘the intentional application of force from one person to another, without lawful justification, resulting in physical injury, personal discomfort of damage to property’
Non-physical assault or verbal aggression is ‘the use of inappropriate words either verbally or in writing (including social media, emails and web-chat) or any other behavior which causes alarm, distress and/ or could be described as harassment’
Persistent unacceptable behavior refers to behavior within either one contact or a number of separate contacts over an undefended period of time.
Zero tolerance
FW Beauty will not accept or tolerate any such behavior towards its employees and any such act will result in appropriate action or sanctions. Our zero tolerance policy is applicable to all channels and contact types.
Last updated 6th June 2020