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Winter Haircare Tips- Save your hair this winter with these quick and easy changes!

Winter weather is harsh on all hair textures and types and just like your skin, your hair needs protection from the extreme weather changes and this means a slight change in routine as well. Little steps you take can make a dramatic difference to the condition of your hair and your hair and scalp will thank you for it!


1. Hats!

This is the time to pull out those hats and keep your head (and hair) covered from the cold weather that can in fact dry out your hair. The lack of moisture in the air can end up drying out your hair leading to breakage. To avoid this wear a hat when you go out side but be careful- some hats can lead to hair damage as well so try to find silk/satin lined hats to help protect your hair so you are not doing more damage than good. 
winter haircare tips fwbeauty blog

2. Steam your hair 

Steaming the hair has been an ancient practice in parts of India mainly by royals? We can replicate this today by using a humidifier! Indoor heating causes the air in your home to become very dry, pulling moisture out of your hair. Humidifiers help rehydrate the air to keep your locks looking lustrous. 
winter haircare tips fwbeauty blog post

4. Do not wash your hair with hot water

As tempting as it may be to take hot showers to warm you up this winter. Avoid using hot water on your hair and scalp. This can literally suck up the moisture from your hair and is really damaging not only to the hair but your scalp as well. Switch to luke warm water instead and see the difference it makes to your hair!
After washing your hair, lock in that moisture with a hair mist. We recommend FWBEAUTY Saffron hair mist which also contains rosemary to help with hair growth and health. 

5. Use an oil treatment

Restore moisture with an oil-based hair treatment.  FWBEAUTY Saffron Hair Elixir is a lightweight but deeply nourishing hair oil with a concoction of Ayurvedic herbs to hep restore scalp health, and promote hair growth. It is also very conditioning for your hair. Apply 1-2 hours before washing your hair and see how your feels afterwards!

Follow these tips and with a little extra effort, you can keep your hair hydrated and looking great this winter.

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